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A Study to Evaluate, Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacodynamic (PD) Markers and Pharmacokinetics (PK) of AP-101 in Participants With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

The purpose of this project is to evaluate the safety, tolerability, PK, and PD of AP-101 in participants with fALS and sALS.

Eligible participants will be randomized to take the study drug or a placebo by intravenous infusion (IV).

This study includes infusions at Day 1 and a maintenance dose at Day 2 and every 3 weeks until week 24. There is a follow-up after an additional 12 weeks.

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COMBAT-ALS (ibudilast)

Evaluation of MN-166 (Ibudilast) for 12 Months Followed by an Open-label Extension for 6 Months in Patients With ALS (COMBAT-ALS)


A Phase 2b/3 multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of MN-166 given to ALS participants for 12 months followed by a 6-month open-label extension phase.

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DAZALS - 652

A Phase 2, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Evaluating Safety and Efficacy of CORT113176 (Dazucorilant) in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (DAZALS)


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A Phase 1-3 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Intrathecally Administered ION363 in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients with Fused in Sarcoma mutations (FUS-ALS)

To evaluate the clinical efficacy of ION363 in clinical functioning and survival in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) patients with Fused in Sarcomamutations (FUS-ALS).

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A non-meditative mindfulness project for people living with ALS and their caregivers. 


A Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Multiple-Ascending Dose Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of QRL-201 in ALS

The primary objective of this study is to determine the safety and tolerability of multiple doses of QRL-201 in people living with ALS

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VERGE Genomics (VRG 5635)

A study to assess the safety and tolerability of escalating doses of VRG50635, a small molecule inhibitor of PIKfyve, a therapeutic target for ALS 



The Comprehensive Analysis Platform To Understand, Remedy and Eliminate ALS

This is a prospective, multicenter, longitudinal cohort study investigating the natural history of ALS and related disorders. CAPTURE ALS will collect data and biosamples from participants to create the most comprehensive biological picture of people living with ALS. Through open science, this information collected from participants will be shared anonymously with worldwide ALS researchers to better understand and treat ALS.

For this study, male and female patients and healthy controls aged 18 or older will be recruited at 4 sites across Canada. Patients with ALS or a related disorder including ALS-Frontotemporal Dementia, Primary Lateral Sclerosis and Progressive Muscular Atrophy, or asymptomatic individuals with a known ALS mutation are eligible to participate.

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CALS-NIC2 (Biomarkers)

Novel MRI Biomarkers for monitoring disease progression in ALS


Routine MRI is normal in motor neuron diseases such as ALS. However, advanced MRI techniques can provide an objective measure of degeneration (a “biomarker”) by examining brain structure, wiring, chemistry, and function. We will develop and evaluate novel MRI techniques that could improve our understanding of ALS and provide a means to diagnose it sooner and monitor its progression. Importantly, we expect these techniques to improve how new drugs are tested, which may lead to the more rapid discovery of a treatment for ALS.

Each participant will have 3 MRI scans over a period of 8 months, along with neurological and cognitive evaluations. Study visits will take 2 – 3 hours. MRI is a safe technique that does not involve radiation.

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Radicava®/(Edaravone) Findings in Biomarkers From ALS (REFINE-ALS)

The purpose of this study is to find biomarkers that show why edaravone is slowing ALS symptom progression. The data gathered during the study may also be useful for medical professionals and researchers in the future.

For this study, 300 male and female participants aged 18 and older will be recruited at approximately 40 sites.

You are about to start taking edaravone per your standard of care treatment for your ALS treatment. We will ensure that your visits for the clinical trial are scheduled around your standard of care treatment.

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A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single center, trial to test the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Darifenacin in adults with ALS

The research builds on previous research showing that loss of nerve supply, or denervation, of neuromuscular junctions is one of the earliest pathological events in ALS. The trial strategy is to target neuromuscular junctions to maintain this essential connection between neurons and muscles, thus improving muscle function, preventing muscle mass loss, and improving locomotion and survival. 

In addition, the study will capture preliminary data on the effect of the therapeutic on function, and on muscle strength and integrity, to inform subsequent trial designs. Potential biomarkers will also be investigated.

Machine Learning in ALS
Machine learning in the detection of upper and lower motor neuron features in speech of patients with ALS

The purpose of this study is is to develop a tool that allows identification of UMN and LMN features in speech in patients with bulbar dysfunction due to ALS and other MND.

Learning more about characteristics of UMN and LMN symptoms in ALS/MND will help us to better understand the disease, possibly improve time between symptom onset and diagnosis and may result in new assessment and therapy tools.

For this study, 150 male and female participants will be recruited at about 11 ALS/MND clinics throughout Canada and the USA (in Toronto, London, Hamilton, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Montreal, Quebec City, Fredericton, Gainesville and Ohio).

PROJENX PRO-101 (Prosetin)

A Phase 1C study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of prosetin in ALS patients.

Prosetin is a selective, oral, brain-penetrant, MAP4K inhibitor developed by ProJenX co-founders at Columbia University for the treatment of ALS.

Following the discovery that MAP4K inhibition confers potent motor neuron protection across multiple patient stem cell-derived models of ALS, prosetin was optimized for potency against MAP4Ks, efficacy in motor neuron rescue, and preferential distribution to the CNS.

The Team – ALS

Dr Angela Genge

Dr Angela Genge

Principal Investigator

Dr Oliver Blanchard

Dr Oliver Blanchard

Principal Investigator

Maria Gobbo

Maria Gobbo

Clinical Research Coordinator

Lana McGeary

Lana McGeary

Research Coordinator

The Team – ALS

Dr Rami Massie

Dr Rami Massie

Principal Investigator

Vanessa Bertone

Vanessa Bertone

ALS Team Lead


Biogen 233AS102 (BIIB067)

A An Extension Study to Assess the Long-Term Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Effect on Disease Progression of BIIB067 Administered to Previously Treated Adults with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Caused by Superoxide Dismutase 1 Mutation


The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of BIIB067 in participants with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Caused by Superoxide Dismutase 1 Mutation (SOD1-ALS). The secondary objective is to evaluate the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of BIIB067 in participants with SOD1-ALS.

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Biogen 275AS101 (Ataxin) (BIIB105)

A Phase 1 Multiple-Ascending-Dose Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of BIIB105 Administered Intrathecally to Adults With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis With or Without Poly-CAG Expansion in the Ataxin-2 Gene

The purpose of the study is to look at whether the BIIB105is safe and tolerable in people with ALS or polyQ-ALS. The study will also look at:

  • What the body does to BIIB105(called “pharmacokinetics” or PK).
  • The concentrations of BIIB105in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which is the fluid around the spinal cord.
  • What BIIB105does to the body (called “pharmacodynamics” or PD).
  • Whether BIIB105affects the symptoms of ALS.

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A Phase 1 Study to Investigate the Safety and Pharmacokinetics of ABBV-CLS-7262 in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

ABBV-CLS-7262 is an investigational drug being researched for the treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. This is a 48-week, 2-part study. Part 1 will be a 4-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study; Part 2 will be a 44-week active treatment extension (ATE) during which all subjects will receive ABBV-CLS-7262.

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HIMALAYA (ACT16970 - SAR443820)

Phase 2 Study for SAR443820 in Participants With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

This is a parallel treatment, Phase 2, randomized, double-blind study to assess the efficacy, safety, tolerability, PK, and PD of twice daily (BID) oral SAR443820 compared with placebo in male and female participants,18 to 80 years of age with ALS followed by an open label, longterm extension period.

Study ACT16970 consists of 2 parts (A and B) as follows:

Part A is a 24week, double blind, placebo controlled part, preceded by a screening period of up to 4 weeks before Day 1.

Part B is an open label, longterm extension period that starts from the end of Part A (Week 24) and continues up to Week 106.


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