Hémorragie sous-arachnoïdienne anévrismale – transfusion de globules rouges et issues (SAHaRA) : étude randomisée et contrôlée

De clinicaltrials.gov. Malheureusement, les informations ne sont disponibles qu’en anglais. Pour plus d’informations en français, veuillez contacter Maxime Boutin-Caron.

The SAHaRA trial will clarify the role of treating anemia with Red Blood Cell (RBC) transfusion in a unique and vulnerable patient population, and determine whether that impacts on functional outcomes and mortality. It will guide best practice standards and clarify the optimal RBC transfusion strategy in patients with aSAH.

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Évaluation diagnostique neurologique par la tomodensitométrie perfusionnelle: une étude prospective canadienne multicentrique

De clinicaltrials.gov. Malheureusement, les informations ne sont disponibles qu’en anglais. Pour plus d’informations en français, veuillez contacter Maxime Boutin-Caron

For the purpose of organ donation after neurological determination of death (NDD), death must be declared using a set of standardized clinical criteria. When a full clinical evaluation cannot be completed, additional neuroimaging ancillary testing is required. The ideal ancillary test for NDD would demonstrate no cerebral blood flow, be free of false-positive and false negative results, rapid, safe, readily available, non-invasive, and inexpensive. No current ancillary test for NDD meets these criteria. Computed tomography (CT) perfusion has the characteristics of an ideal test for NDD, but has not been evaluated for routine clinical use for NDD.

The overarching goal of this project is to improve the NDD process by establishing CT-perfusion as the ideal ancillary test. A large prospective Canadian multi-centre diagnostic cohort study will be conducted to validate CT-perfusion for the neurological determination of death.

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PATIENTS: Pour plus d’informations sur les essais cliniques sur les soins intensifs, veuillez contacter info-CRU.neuro@mcgill.ca.


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